Do you consciously or subconsciously advocate or engage in non-erotic contact (hugs, pats, putting your arm around a shoulder) with parishioners?
Do you ask unnecessary questions or details about a parishioners sex life?
Do you take advantage of the power differential you hold over the parishioner because of your position of authority?
Are you aware that people with past sexual assault/abuse may be more vulnerable to successive victimization?
Do you consider yourself to be above or beyond boundary violation?
Do you have peers with whom you meet regularly and are accountable to?
Have you confronted and reconciled any past sexual abuse, exploitation, or harassment in your own life?
If you have experienced a boundary violation with a congregant, have you referred that person to another counsellor and sought help for yourself?
If you are married, are your devoting time and energy to strengthening your marriage relationship?
Are you aware of boundary violations, manipulation, and dependence needs?
Are you on guard for transference and counter-transference (with its potential to trigger the feeling that the pastor and only the pastor can save the congregant)?
Are you aware of your denominations professional misconduct standards policy?
Ensure your office and any other meeting areas have windows in the doors.
If you have reasonable cause to suspect a congregant has been a victim of sexual abuse you are required by law to report it to the proper authorities.