Prayer of Dedication

We offer ourselves to you, Creator.
We offer our hands. May we use healing touch to comfort sisters, brothers and children
who are afraid.
We offer our eyes and ears. May we see and hear the signs and stories of violence, so that all may have someone with them in their     pain and confusion.
We offer our hearts and our tears as their hurt and sorrow echo within us.
We offer our own stories of violence. May we be healed as we embrace each other.
We offer our anger. Make it a passion for justice.
We offer all our skills. Use our gifts to end violence.
We offer our faith, our hope, our love. May our encounters with violence bring us closer to you and to each other.
All this we ask through Jesus the Christ who knows the pain of violence. Amen.

 Adapted from December 6th Services Worship Resources provided by Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada

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