Feminine pronouns are used throughout, since women are 8 times more likely to be victimized than are men (Fitzgerald, 1999). When men are abused, the effects and pastoral responses are the same. We are concerned for abuse of all whether male or female, adult or children.

Sexual assault is the term used to describe sexual acts committed WITHOUT a person’s consent and/or against a person’s will. Sexual assault can happen in the context of a variety of relationships, including between dating or marriage partners.

Sexual consent

  • Sexual consent refers to sex which is freely, intelligently, and voluntarily shared between two adults.
  • Meaningful consent about sexual activity cannot be given in relationships where there is an imbalance of power (ie. professor-student, pastor-congregant, adult-child).
  • Every woman has the right to make decisions about her own body, whether or not to:
    • Have sex
    • Use birth control
    • Become pregnant
    • Have children
  • She does not lose these rights after she marries.

Rape is a sexual assault and criminal offence.

The Offender may be:

  • A stranger
  • An acquaintance, family member or friend
  • A woman’s friend, spouse or boyfriend
  • An ex-partner

Adapted from Abuse Bulletin #3. Voices for Non-Violence and MCC Canada Women’s Concerns Committee.

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